Nepenthe Siding, Fencing and Painting Cycle

Beginning in August 2022, Phase I (Dunbarton Circle) will be undergoing siding and fencing repairs by Critical Path Reconstruction (CPR). Painting of the units will be completed by Progressive Painting. The Association has contracted with Project Manager Paul Reeves to oversee the project. The project is anticipated to take close to one year.

Homeowners will receive notice taped to the inside of their back gate to let them know when the work will begin. Most of the time we ask homeowners to reach out to the Nepenthe Management Office when they have questions about work on the property, but in this case, since the work will be taking place directly on their homes, the contact information for the CPR team is being provided.

Here are the people to call with specific concerns related to the repair of an individual unit:

Owners are encouraged to watch the video of the Informational Meeting held Wednesday, August 17 at the bottom of this page. Here is more information about the project:

OWNER CERTIFICATION FORM FOR CITY OF SACRAMENTO (Every owner must sign this form for the city in order to close the permits. Please fill out and return to the office. You do not need to fill out the permit number- the contractor will do that.)

Nepenthe Siding Phase Map – Do you know what phase your unit is in?

Nepenthe Phase 1 Updated Paint Color Map- 2024

Nepenthe Change Order Log Updated 2.6.23

Map Showing Path of Travel 8-17-2022

Nepenthe Project Schedule Updated 11.22.23

Nepenthe Repair Project Schedule from CPR Updated January 2023

CPR Unit Repairs by Address

CPR Fence Repairs by Address

CPR Sample Courtesy Notice

CPR General Construction Notice (includes some Frequently Asked Questions)