Grounds Committee

grounds committee bridge

Nepenthe’s Grounds Committee

The Grounds Committee meets on the third Thursday of every month at 3:00 pm in the Nepenthe Main Clubhouse. Nepenthe residents are welcome to attend and encouraged to consider joining the committee. Christina George is the Chair of the committee.

The Grounds Committee is an active group of homeowners focused on the care and maintenance of Nepenthe’s beautiful landscape. The committee works with management and the contract landscaper, Carson Landscape, as part of the overall team. Each committee member is assigned one of seven zones for which they become a Grounds Steward. The Stewards monitor their area and report any problems to the Nepenthe management for work order generation. In addition to serving as a grounds point-of-contact for the homeowners in their area, they also walk their zone regularly. Every seven weeks, the Steward walks the zone with the landscaper, manager and Grounds Chair and the Board liaison to the committee. This process ensures that the entire property is regularly reviewed and improvements are agreed upon on an as-needed basis.

Another important function of the committee is the care and maintenance of Nepenthe’s unique and beautiful urban forest. Every year, the arborist provides a report on the trees in each of the seven zones. His report is reviewed by the committee who then recommends action to the Board of Directors.


Recurring Zoom Link: 3rd Thursday of the Month

Meeting ID:  880 7532 8792, Passcode:  001131

Grounds Committee Meeting Recordings

Missed the last Grounds Meeting at the Clubhouse? Use this link to watch the recording!

Grounds Committee Minutes


Meeting Documents

October 2023

Nepenthe Tree Work Proposal Zone 7 10.12.23

10.11.23 Nepenthe Zone 7 Tree Walk. P.Dubois

September 2023 

Grounds Agenda 9.21.23 v1

9-21-2023 Zone 6 Tree Walk

July 2023 


May 2023 

Work Order Report

5.10.23 Nepenthe Zone 2 Tree Walk. P.Dubois

Draft April Minutes

Agenda May 2023

March 2023

Zone 2 Walk with Photos 2023-03-03 (1)


Draft February Minutes

March Meeting Agenda

Work Order Tracker.2023-03-15

Pg 163 Browning Study

Important Documents:

Grounds Charter Adopted 4-8-20

Board Expectations of Grounds Committee and Communication Flow Chart

Nepenthe Zone Map

Grounds Vision Document

Process for homeowner Landscaping Request. Revised 2023-7-5

Adopted Carson plant List 8.3.2022

Plant Photos

SMUD Shade Tree List


Nepenthe Valve Map Zones 1-3 12-27-21

Nepenthe Valve Map Zone 4-7 12.27.21

Grounds Meeting Materials 8-18-22