The Board of Directors is a policymaking, all-volunteer governing body that has responsibility for Nepenthe’s common area assets. Members of the Board serve without compensation. The Board, with the guidance of Nepenthe’s invaluable committees, sets policies and provides direction to management. The Board’s authority includes all of the powers and duties enumerated in general law, as long as these powers are not inconsistent with the CC&Rs and Bylaws.
The Board is governed by the CC&Rs, the Bylaws and the Standards and Practices for the Board of Directors, adopted in 2013 and amended in 2022:
Standards & Practices – Board Revised 2022-09-07.
On-site management is provided by FirstService Residential staff, under contract to Nepenthe Association. FirstService Residential staff manage our complex, day-to-day business affairs in accordance with standards established by the governing documents and the Board.
Board Meetings
Board meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM at the Nepenthe Clubhouse. All residents and owners are encouraged to attend. If you have questions related to Board meetings, please contact the office at (916) 929-8380.
Open Session Board Meeting Recurring Zoom Link
Join Zoom Meeting- Active Link
Meeting ID: 882 7211 1861 Passcode: 001131
To view video recordings of Open Session Board Meetings, click here:
To view the Open Session Board Packets, click here:
To view the Open Session Board Minutes, click here:
Minutes for the prior month’s Board meeting are posted after they have been approved at the current month’s Open Session Board Meeting.
Courtenay Delfin, President
Cheryl Nelson, Vice President
Brian Coates, Treasurer
Peter Lewicki, Secretary
Nina White, Member- At- Large