The common area includes everything owned and maintained by the Association: the grounds, pools, tennis courts, clubhouse, cabanas, alleys, walks, signs, lampposts, drains, Dunbarton Circle and Elmhurst Circle. With two exceptions (alarm-system signs and Christmas decorations), homeowners may not place anything in the common area. This includes pots, flagpoles, birdfeeders, statuary, etc. If any items are left in the common area then it will be considered abandoned. Management can and will remove such items without notice of any kind.
NOTE: Should any items be purposefully left or dumped in any common area it can be considered illegal dumping and any resident found to be illegally dumping will be subject fines from the HOA and/or the City of Sacramento. If you find such objects in the common area, or if you see anything that ought to be repaired or replaced, contact the office immediately.